Lucas County Preservation Alliance was created in 2011 to cultivate a thriving cultural and economic climate in the City of Chariton and throughout Lucas County by rehabilitating, restoring, and preserving historic and unique buildings.
The initial focus of the Alliance was the historic rehabilitation of the Hotel Charitone. We never intended to stop with the Charitone, however, and have now expanded to owning and operating the CB&Q Freight House in addition to owning the previously endangered Palmer Building.
May of 2018, we acquired ownership of the Palmer Building as it showed significant structural issues. As the oldest building on the Chariton square, we felt the upmost importance to take action. Through the summer and fall, the building was stabilized by strengthening the foundation, rebuilding the south exterior wall, building an additional interior wall, and replacing the roof.
January of 2020, we acquired ownership of the CB&Q Freight House. Previously owned by the Lucas County Arts Council, LCPA in partnership with LCAC felt the future of the freight house fell more in line with the mission of LCPA. We are looking forward to preserving and improving this facility to be home of many major events in our community.

Board of Directors
Alyse Hunter
Dennis Bisgard
Raymond Meyer
Christopher Watkins
Mariah Pierschbacher